The evil style of the leader of Mura feels like a fluffy rich bowl of bowls

Category: Socrates
Published on Sunday, 10 May 2020 16:31
Hits: 1410


He used the power of the house to become a village chief, with his position and wisdom
While spilling troubles, I have let the village girl make me cry.

The next target is a lovely who moved from Tokyo.

"First off, do not start this secret ceremony after taking off your clothes."

Invite them to the house and bare them with their usual techniques.
In your words as village head, they followed without a doubt.

From now on, your evil mechanism will start.

Game format

Game Novel Puzzle
It is a puzzle style game that will be a high score if you train your well.

  Operating environment

Windows Vista / 7/8/10
DirectX 6.1 and later
WindowsMediaPlayer 7 or later

Sale Date February 24, 2018

Age designation
18 Prohibition
Work format
Doujin Game Adventure Game Novels Puzzles
file format
With audio There is video 3DCG trial version review available
Lying down and fall asleep Short cut braid



4.13 GB