1Week-Friends Theatre

Category: Imokenpi / いもけんぴ
Published on Friday, 08 May 2020 03:51
Hits: 786


In classroom, with a strong willed and impertinent boy.
Had ecchi while making fun of that c*ck he's so proud of.

A bullied boy, found neglected in the phys-ed storeroom.
Didn't help him but I did have ecchi with him.

Found a closet pervert of a boy wanking off in the girls toilet.
Gave him some genuine fap material.

36 GIF animations and 3 static images.
The 3D CG was made with MAYA and converted to GIF format.
Rendering performed using "arnold".

As the files are GIF animations, they can be viewed easily on Windows 10 using the default application. On android, the default application will show them as static images so you will need to install a suitable application for GIF animation.

Release Dec/27/2016
Age Ratings
Doujin SoftwareCG Collection
File Format
GIF File
with Anime3D artworkwith Trial Version
Tsundere Girl Loli Shota Classmate School



391.09 MB