
Category: All Categories
Published on Friday, 26 June 2020 13:54
Hits: 474


Fumina and Kenji enjoy a special relationship when daddy is overseas.

At a tea party Fumina shocks her friend Anna with the news.
Fumina invites Anna to dabble in their family fun but Anna shows no interest.

However, one day, Anna is open to the idea of a threesome.
She visits another friend Yuuko's house, expecting to see Yuuko
and her love Takeshi. Horny and excited she enters...

... and sees Fumina and her son Kenji instead.

Watching a mother suck her son off blows Anna's mind.
In the end Kenji is balls deep in mommy's pussy.

Anna is overcome with a strange, trembling feeling deep inside...

Release Nov/22/2016
Age Ratings
Work Format
SoftwareDigital Comic
File Format
3DCGPDF Included
Boy Mother Romance Romance Romance Orgy Sex



256.4 MB