Rabbit Silence - Agent estrus brainwashing plan

Category: Anime Hentai
Published on Saturday, 04 July 2020 14:36
Hits: 801


Survive becomes a motion comic for popular CG collection of Circle "My Home History"!
Cool husband ears Woman agent into sex slave thoroughly Brainwashing breaking !!

A dark organization black harness working all kinds of wrongdoings including illegal trafficking in humans and drug trafficking.
The woman agent "Rabbit Silence" of Sellers against anti-dark organization eradication unit who infiltrated the underground laboratory.
She uses the power of "Inaba's white rabbit" by the long ears that grew in her head,
I was looking for clues to eradicate the organization.
However, they are caught by enemy's sneaky trap.
If you want to release the hostages already caught, you are forced to cooperate with the experiment and become a sex slave.

Sale Date 05 January 2017
Age designation
18 Prohibition
Work form
Doujin Software Movie Work
file format
Movie (MPEG)
With Voice Music with Music Animewith Trial Version with Review
Bandage Syringe Leotard Training Machine Juice Brainwashing Ear Animal



338.53 MB