Kyoushi Gui

Category: Porn Games
Published on Tuesday, 05 May 2020 00:42
Hits: 747


My little sister finally contacted Sensei?
She returned to class after class and did it with her teacher!
Like her older sister, it cracks me to hear a story!

Incredible new on 3dcg Erotic film in the KUI (devouring) series!
Presented in the digital romance WMV in the composition of the film.

Starring troubled Miku and her teacher (kyoushi).
20 assorted, 10 files, all H-scenes
Provided with this technology from NVIDIA!
The latest 3dcg engine
Sensual voiced screams to enhance realism!
During the novel and (of course) the video.
Note that background music is not included in the video files.
Screen resolution 960x540 and

The .exe application format (.Net version 2.0 required)
Please try the demo video to confirm System compatibility
Windows 8 may require .Framework 3.5 s For installation

Release November / 22/2012
Serie ... Series KUI
Age Rating
Work Format
File format
Inc. MusicIndic. Animepo 3dcg court
Serial Teacher's School Product Woman Violent Man



345.84 MB