N Love - Take a nae and live it

Category: Porn Games
Published on Tuesday, 19 May 2020 14:23
Hits: 722


When you take this girl, your loved one also accepts another person,

In a certain academy, she travels around lovers, classmates, juniors and women teachers,
Men use Daisuke-for, intimidation and excessive sexuality for pregnant women and impregnate and fall.
You guard a precious girl !? ... Or like guys, like other children ... I'll do it!

Disease and daily scenes from the constant picture of the daily part, full-size animation to send academic activity!

Introduction of the system
Almost everything around the school, it sits, makes children and does it all - you can eat!
A cross section that included more than the previous work dug out the sense of presence and expression of the "drawing" function
It will give your pleasure straight away!
The deformed character moves in movement, and the daily part is sexual harassment, it's a joke!

Introduction to casting

Tomoko Snobe: Like Sunday night on Sunday
Ayato Samon: Mr. Atsushi Aizawa

In normal events there is no sound.

Sale Date March 14, 2018
Last update date April 14, 2018
Version upgrade information
Series name N Love - Take nae and live life -
A voice actor Kogetsuki wonderful / Aizawa Natsuharu
Age designation
18 Prohibition
Work format
Doujin Game Simulation / Full Animation SLG
file format
With Voice Music with Music Animewith Trial Version
Sectional Animation School / Academy Lying Bed Lying Pregnancy / Impregnation

Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz or more
2 GB or more
4 GB or more
1280 ? 720 or more
9.0 or later



2.87 GB