Blood Witch Project

Category: Porn Games
Published on Monday, 06 July 2020 15:33
Hits: 778


There is a 400-year-old legend about a witch.
According to stories, 10 boys and girls went missing from a village.
The people blamed an old woman named Kerry Billigan, a rumored witch
who they believed sacrificed the boys and girls in the name of the unholy.
Kerry was given a "trial", found guilty, and executed.

But in the years since, boys and girls have continued to disappear.
Always 10 at a time. Their strange remains are found later.
The people believe it's the legacy of Kerry Billigan. The witch's curse.

The last "takings" were 30 years ago, and very different.
In that case the police caught the murderer:
a reclusive middle-aged man named Latisse Law who
when they arrested him said, "The ritual is complete at last."
Police walked for four hours into Blood Havens Forest
and discovered the bodies of 10 boys and girls in an underground bunker.
All naked, shackled, flesh carved in weird patterns.
Latisse had murdered them. But the ghost of Kerry Billigan was
strongly felt in his actions; he said he'd done it to summon what he called
"the ancient woman of the woods".

Nobody lives here anymore. The whole area has been abandoned.

This is all highly creepy preamble to VagrantsX's visual novel,
about a group of students making a documentary.
10 students. 10 boys and girls.

Release : Sep/16/2016
Age Ratings :
Categories :
Doujin Game
File Format :
Executable File
OS Platforms :

WindowsVista / Windows7 / Windows8 / Windows8.1 / Windows10

Option :
with Music
with Anime
3D artwork
with Trial Version
Genre :
Girl Boy Horror Marvel Tales Pervert Madness

6.1 or greater



396.36 MB