I Can See Kasumi Through the Window

Category: Porn Games
Published on Monday, 27 July 2020 01:29
Hits: 747


Kasumi Murasaki, happily newlywed. Since she joined the company Yabugami had fantasized about her.
One day Kasumi came into the office at Yabugami's request. She was presented with a single digital photo.
In the photo she was making love, completely naked, with her husband.
Kasumi was shocked. Yabugami took advantage of her like that.
Now, Kasumi's happiness is about to shatter with a sound!

This is a digital movie novel.
Please play the demo version to confirm compatibility.

Release : Mar/14/2013
Series : Days of Lust
Age Ratings :
Categories :
Doujin Software
File Format :
Executable File
OS Platforms :

WindowsXP / WindowsVista / Windows7 / Windows8 / Windows10

Option :
with Voice
with Music
with Anime
3D artwork
with Trial Version
Genre :
Breasts Anime Married Woman Office Worker Office Cuckoldry



881.49 MB